For Authors


The texts to be sent should be written in MS Word program with a vertical A4 page size, with Calibri 11 font, and 1.5 spacing.

The page margins of the texts should be 2.5 cm, they should be aligned, no indentation should be made for the beginning of the paragraph, and paragraph spacing should be signalized by giving 1 line of space.

Page numbering should not be done.

Footnotes should be written in 9 font size with a single line spacing, and no spaces should be left between the footnotes.

Author names should be indicated under the title and author information should be indicated in the footnote (*) as title, institution, e-mail address.

1 cm indentation should be left for numbering or bullets to be made in the text.



All of the main titles should be written in capital letters and in bold.

Indentation should not be made when writing the main titles.

The main titles should not be given letters or numbers.

Only the first letters of the words in the subtitle should be capitalized, left aligned, and the entire title should be written in bold.

Subtitles should not be numbered, the first letters of the second level subtitle words should be written in capital letters, left aligned, italic and bold; the third level subtitle should be written in italic letters with capital letters and not in bold left aligned.



Each table, graphic, figure, and picture should be attached to the text on the aforementioned page.

Tables, graphics, figures and pictures should be arranged in accordance with colour printing and should be used in high resolution considering the print quality.

Tables, graphics, figures and pictures should have titles and be numbered.

These headings and numbers should be written in bold, with capital letters centre aligned and 11 font size.

The information to be written in it should be 9 font size.



APA rules should be taken as a basis when referencing/citing the text and preparing bibliography.

You can find detailed information on the rules here:

Every work quoted should be included in the bibliography, and every work in the bibliography should be referenced in the relevant part of the text.

The bibliography should be indicated as the main title at the end of the text and should be edited by selecting the hanging indent format.

In case of using appendix in the text, each annex should be given after the bibliography on separate pages, the title of “APPENDIX” should be written in capital letters, in bold and left aligned, and should be numbered separately. The first letter of each word in appendix title must be capitalized. For example; APPENDIX 1: Appendix Title.

When preparing the bibliography, alphabetical order should be followed through the surnames of the referenced authors.


While making an in-text citation, the surname of the author (s), the date of the work and the page number should be included in parentheses after the quoted statement.

  1. It is used when the author quotes in quotation marks (Aslan, 2005: 14) for a certain term, concept, or paragraph in the form of “………….”.
  2. b) In case of more than one research to which the author quotes, reference should be made to the order of the authors’ surnames.
  3. A comma is placed between the surnames of the authors: (Aslan, 2015; Batmaz, 2018; Ulusoy, 2019).
  4. c) If the author uses a certain part of the source, it should be shown as (Aslan, 2015: 13-25) or (Aslan, 2015: 13, etc.).


Single Author or Editorial Book

While making an in-text citation, the surname of the author (s), the date of the book and the page number quoted are written in parentheses. In the bibliography, after the title of the book is written with the author information, the publisher information should be included.

In-text: (Aladag, 2010: 45) or only (Aladag, 2010). (Cline, 2005: 12) or (Cline, 2005).

Bibliography: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the Work. Publisher: Place.

Aladağ, M. (2010). 21.Yüzyılda Pazarlama Teknikleri. Ankara University Press: Ankara.


Book Chapter

While making an in-text citation, the surname of the author (s), the date of the book and the page number quoted are written in parentheses. In the bibliography, after the title of the book is written with the editor/compiler information, the relevant part should be written in brackets.

In-text: (Önal, 2018: 264) or only (Önal, 2018).

Bibliography: Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (Year). “Title of the Work”. Initial of Name. Surname (ed). Book name in. (pp. page numbers). Publisher: Year.

Önal, Hülya. (2018). “Gangsters in Turkish Cinema”. G. Larke-Walsh (ed.). in A Companion to the Gangster Film. (pp.262-282). Wiley Blackwell.


Book with Two Authors or Editors

In these types of citations, “and” should be added between the authors in the text. In the bibliography, “ve” is added to the authors for Turkish sources and “and” is added to the authors for English sources. Editor/compiler information in the bibliography should be written before the date.

In-text: (Mutlu and Health, 2012: 23) or only (Mutlu and Health, 2012). (Hill and Song, 2018: 32) or only (Hill and Song, 2018)

Bibliography: Mutlu, C. and Health, D. (Ed.). (2012). Güncel Gelişmeler Işığında Liderlik. Eski Press: Ankara.


Books with Multiple Authors (Three or More Authors)

While showing the in-text source, “et al.” should be added after the surname of the first author. In the bibliography, the information of all authors is included.

In-text: (Tuna et al., 2000: 28) or only (Tuna, et al., 2000).

Bibliography: Tuna, P., Kalın, A., Gerçek, C. and Günes, S. (2000). Oyun Teorisi. Ekin Press: Bursa.


Books with an Unknown Author

When making an in-text citation, the name of the work should be written instead of the author’s name in parentheses.

In the bibliography, the number of volumes and issues, if any, should be included before the date, based on the source name in alphabetical order.

In-text: (Judgement of Eight Chamber Council of State, Vol. 5, 2001).

Bibliography: Judgement of Eight Chamber Council of State, (Vol. 3). (1985). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası


Books with Institutional or Organizational Author

When making an in-text citation, the name of the institution or organization should be written instead of the author’s name.

In-text: (TUIK, 2007: 11) or only (TUIK, 2007)

BibliographyRegional Data, (2007). Ankara: Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK).



Multivolume Books

In the bibliography, the number of volumes in the works consisting of more than one volume should be given in parentheses after the name of the work.

In-text: (Menekşe, 2014: 45) or only (Menekşe, 2014).

Bibliography: Menekşe, E. (2014). Klasik Türk Edebiyatında Öyküler (Vol 4). Bor Press: İstanbul.


Translated Books

The names of translator or translators should be written after the name of the work in the bibliography. If a book chapter is translated, the editor of the book should also be included in the bibliography.

In-text: (North, 2009: 21) or only (North, 2009).

Bibliography: North, M. (2001). The chronicler’s history. H. G. M. Williamson (trans.). David A. Clines and Philip R. Davies (eds.). Sheffield Academic Press: U.S.A.


Periodicals (Articles)

When reference is made to periodicals, the article name is written in quotation marks in the bibliography.

The name and other information of the periodical in which the article has been published are added in the following order; Author Surname, Name. (Year). “the name of the article”. Name of the journal, Volume Number, page numbers.

In-text: (Gürbüz, 1999: 89) or only (Gürbüz, 1999).

Bibliography: Gürbüz, Ç. (1999). “Sosyal değişim”. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4 (2), 184-188. (doi number, if applicable).

Congress and Symposium Proceedings

In the published congress and symposium papers, citations and resources are shown as “periodicals”.

Author, A. A. (Year). Paper or poster title, Symposium name, Date, Location information. Page Number.

In-text: (Adil et al., 1995: 48) or only (Adil, et al., 1995).

Bibliography: Adil, Ö., Günay, T. ve Güzel, B. (2008). “Öğretmen adaylarının öğrenciye yönelik tutumları ile öğrenci başarısı”, V. National Educational Sciences Congress, 3-5 June 2008, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale. 115-120.


Encyclopaedia Items

While the information obtained from the encyclopaedias is included in the bibliography, the name of the encyclopaedia and its editor, if any, are included.

 In-text: (Frost, 2001: 525) or only (Frost, 2001).

Bibliography: Frost, A. (2001). Religion. Encyclopaedia of religion. Daniel A. Stout (ed.). New York: Routledge.


Unpublished Theses

Unpublished theses should be shown in the bibliography as follows; Author, A. (Year). Title of Thesis. MA-MS / PhD. Thesis. University Name, Institute Name, City.

In-text: (Durgun, 2012: 45) or (Durgun, 2012).

Bibliography: Durgun, P. (2012). Sosyo-Ekolojik Gelişmeler Perspektifinde Kırsal Turizm Algısının Ölçülmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Unpublished MA Thesis. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, School of Graduate Studies, Çanakkale.


Electronic Resources

Date of access date should be included in the bibliography when referencing from electronic sources.

In-text: (MEB, 2008: 125) or only (MEB, 2008)

Bibliography: MEB (2008). Comparative education programs. Science High School Curriculum (pp. 209-239) Accessed: 12 August 2008, programlari/icerik/14.




In-text: (TCMB, 2012: 5) or only (TCMB, 2012)

Bibliography: TCMB (2012). Annual report. Accessed:10 June 2012,


Audio and Visual Resources

In-text: (Akın, 2005).

Bibliography: Akın, F. (Director). (2005). Anadolu Ezgileri [Film]. İstanbul: NBC.


Internet Sources

When referring to internet sources, if the date of the source is not known, the expression “n.d.” should be used.

 In-text: (“Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University”, n.d.), “İnternette 1 saniyede neler oluyor?”, 2017)

Bibliography: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. (n.d.). Mission, vision and values

İnternette 1 saniyede neler oluyor? (2017, 4 January). Access address: oluyor, XUH_UVqM80GODfAK20z Q/mfBzmt1kgUm2CCL1b5iFfg

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